The Secret Life of This Stroller Is Unbelievable

The double stroller you choose will alter as your kids grow. Find one that is convertible to be able to adapt to different phases of life and provide the flexibility you need.

Joovy’s Twin stroller falls in that category thanks to its narrow width, single-handed fold, and surprisingly spacious seats. wagons like radio flyer  long canopies provide far-reaching sun protection, too.

Seating Configurations

A good double stroller allows you to grow with your kids and so, you should look for seats that are high in capacity and weight limits, and have the ability to recline for newborns and toddlers. If you’re considering purchasing twins, make sure you choose a double stroller with seats that can be adjusted so they face the same way or can be arranged to fit together.

For instance it is for instance, the Contours Options Elite tandem can be reconfigured to ensure that an infant car seat, and a toddler car seat faces you, or both of them facing forward. (It is also compatible with SnugRide ClickConnect car seats by Graco). The stroller comes loaded with features like shock-absorbing suspension in rear and front, a movable handlebar that saves your back, and an electronic lock on the wheel that displays a visual indication.

This is one of the most luxurious double strollers that are available for parents on a budget. The UPPAbaby Vista is also a great alternative. It starts as a single-stroller, but expands to a double-stroller by adding two bassinets or toddler seats.


It’s important to find a stroller which is user-friendly when you plan to spend a lot of money on it. Look for a model that can be pushed across uneven and turf surfaces, and has an adjustable handlebar heights and a simple fold sequence suspension that keeps things in a smooth state with a wide range of canopies, over bumps and comfy seats.

Check the height and weight limit of each seat as well to ensure that it can adapt to your child’s needs. We’ve therefore included options that can be modified to take the infant car seat and bassinet for toddlers or even twin car-seats (with the appropriate adapters).

Another aspect to be considered is how much storage space you will need. You might find that double strollers have plenty of storage compartments. But, you might require more space to store toys and snacks or shopping bags. Consider an extra large baskets or a parent organizer. Be aware of the length of your apartment or garage doorway before choosing a model.


It’s important to think about what you intend to do with the double stroller and where you’re planning to use it when you choose one for your family. Alli Cavasino is the co-founder and the CEO of JoyLet the leading rental service for infant and toddler gear. She advises that you should look for strollers that offer a comfortable ride, and a simple maneuverability along with a quick folding. Other key features to look for include adjustable handles, an ample storage basket as well as cup holders that can be used by both kids and parents, individual recline positions (hello napping on the go! ) and wide-reaching canopy.

One standout option that’s great for frequent flyers is the Baby Jogger Options Elite Tandem Stroller. It’s a one-handed easy fold that can fit through doors up to 36 inches, which is impressive for a tandem stroller. It also has a number of other smart features like the individual reclines that are near-flat and large canopies with flip-out sun visors. And it’s surprisingly lightweight at under 30 pounds. It’s less than 50% lighter than other items we’ve picked!


The UPPAbaby GLink is one of the lightest double strollers that you can come across, featuring a convenient handle for carrying and weighing just under 25 pounds. It’s therefore simple to maneuver into narrow spaces, and it fits in small trunks like those of Honda Civics as well as Toyota Corollas. However, don’t let its size fool you; this stroller has a wealth of features. The side-by-side seat has independent recline five-point harnesses as well as pop-out UPF 50+ canopies that scored top marks during our sun-coverage test.

It is also able to attach two Graco Snugride Click Connect car seats to the back orientation, or allow older children to use stroller seats. The stroller is also compatible with Graco’s Riding Board that allows a second child to sit or stand behind. It has a total of 19 seating options.

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